happy parents holding their daughter and smiling

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening in North Austin

Many people refrain from smiling due to discolored teeth. With our effective teeth whitening solution, patients can achieve a stunning, brighter smile in just one short visit to the practice. We offer in-house tooth whitening and at-home systems, depending on the patient’s preference. If time is an issue, in-house whitening is best; we’ll be done in about 90 minutes.
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senior woman with hand under chin and smiling

Ensuring You’re a Candidate

All patients are evaluated prior to care to see if tooth whitening is a good choice for them. Brian F. Scaff DDS discusses the process, possible complications, and how the teeth will look when finished. An important consideration is if prior restoration work has been done. If you have dental crowns in the front of your mouth made to match the remaining teeth, whitening may make new crowns necessary.

Moving Forward

For in-office whitening, we use the Opalescence™ Boost™ system, which allows us to use a higher concentration of the whitening agent than at-home kits.
For at-home kits, Dr. Scaff takes impressions of the teeth for precision trays to make sure the gums are protected. Don’t be fooled by the online offers; their trays are not as precise as ours.
Some patients may experience slight tooth sensitivity that fades with time. Taking an OTC pain medication is recommended in the event of discomfort. For at-home whitening, we offer several options of strength to allow virtually anyone to whiten without significant sensitivity.

Take That First Step Toward a Whiter Smile

If you’d like to achieve a brighter, confidence-boosting smile, contact our office to schedule an appointment!
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Teeth Whitening in North Austin, Cedar Park, Round Rock, TX

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